Intake Form
Coaching Agreement
Fear of Change
4 Dimensions of Readiness
8 Dimensions of Awareness
Viome Open House Resource Guide
The Three Most Important Questions
Personal Vision and Mission Statements
Find your Core Values
Idenity Based Change Exercise
Health Identity Shift
Post Coaching Session Self Accountability
App Tour - Youtube
Part 1: Understanding Your Viome Scores
Part 2: How Viome Generates your Food Recommendations
Part 3: How Your Unique Precision Supplements Formula is Created
Viome | Nutrition 2.0: Optimal Health Through the Science of Personalized Nutrition
Viome E-Book
Good vs Bad Fats
Viome Supplement Descriptions (Excel Sheet)
Viome Supplements as related to Score (Excel)
My Fitness Pal ( app)
Why is the science of nutrition ignored in medicine? (Ted Talk)
Vege Starter Guide Mercy for Animals (PDF)
A great short video on Meat vs Plant Meat (Video)
How the food you eat affects your brain (Short Video)
How to spot a fad diet (Short Video)
Coffee (Web Article)
Microbiom (Web Article)
Why RNA, and Not DNA (Web Article)
Human Gut Microbiome (Video)
Do Gut Microbes Control Your Personality? (Video)
Quick Habit Creation Video
Why is it so hard to break a bad habit? (Short Video)
Forget big change, start with a tiny habit: BJ Fogg (Ted Talk)
How to Build a New Habit (Webb Page)
The 20 Second Rule - How to Build a New Habit (Short Video)
Audio I did on Habits for a training course
Audio I did on Habits for a training course Part 2
The 90-Day Habit Tracking Tool
Personal Values Tool
16 Personalities
Positive Psychology - A Great Place to Start (Web)
40 Happiness Quotes To Make You Smile(Web Page)
Is it possible to lose weight fast?
Gut bacteria and weight loss: Mayo Clinic Radio
The gut microbiome may be a mediator between obesity and health outcomes
Mayo Clinic Weight Loss Program (Web Page)
Gamify Weight Loss (Web Page)